Our school has been planning a Virtual Day to make sure that we're prepared to deliver curriculum and assess student work in case of emergencies.
During or Virtual Day, staff will be in school but students will work from home. We will go through normal emergency procedures including sending out SMS messages. This is a much easier task for the High School compared to Pre-K.
The process has opened up a lot of dialogue: what sites or online applications can we use to deliver curriculum. How do we assess? What are the expectations for staff, parents, and students?
Many of our staff are using Google Classroom to assign work to students. Others are using Google Meet to have online presentations while others are using their Wordpress blogs to collaborate with students.
Here are 5 great online applications that are great for any day and not just Virtual Day.
Delivery & Assessment Tools

edpuzzles allows you to add questions either by text or voice to videos. It integrates with Google Classsroom. You can search for content from sites such as youtube, Khan Academy, TED Talks, or National Geographic. Another nice feature is that you can track student's progress in real time.
Edpuzzle is an easy-to-use platform where you can make any video your lesson. One click and you can find video-lessons created by other teachers with formative assessment included! Another click and you can adjust that video by embedding your own questions or audio during the video. Final click, you assign it to your students and get beautiful hassle-free analytics: who watched the video, who didn't understand the lesson, and who did a good job. Students can re-watch the video as many times as they need, at their own pace. You can comfortably check their progress from your account.
Their help page is very detailed.

padlet is an online application that allows students to collaborate via bulletin board, portfolio, or blog.
Somewhere between a doc and a full-fledged website builder, Padlet empowers everyone to make the content they want, whether it's a quick bulletin board, a blog, or a portfolio.

Post a video and create an online discussion forum. You can upload or link to a video already online.
Vialogues provides a space for people to hold meaningful and dynamic time-stamped discussions about videos. It proves videos are not only powerful educational resources but also the ultimate conversation starters.
Free - Columbia University

A classroom backchannel that allows classes to have chats via text or drawings. A .pdf of the discussion can be downloaded afterwards.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University provides a detailed Help page that provides information on how and why to use this new alternative to Todaysmeet.
Free - Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Probably the most popular and used of all on this list, forms allows you to create quizzes simply and easily. Teachers can add videos and/or photos and then ask students questions based on the material presented.
One of our staff is going to embed videos in his quiz and then ask questions based on the videos. The positives are that all answers are timecoded and stored in a spreadsheet for him to review at the end. By answering questions, the students have taken attendance as well.
Free - Google
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