Voice Dictation in Education

I took this picture a few weeks ago, but apparently I never noticed it until now. I was scanning through a file with some recent pictures that I had taken, and came across this gem! I love the texture and focus of the shot. #DSC01224

Recently, I shared instructions on how to use Voice Dictation with our students. We have a population of EAL students that will benefit from the ability to speak rather than type on a different keyboard.

We also had a student who had a Repetitive Strain Injury from typing too much.

So, I did a quick test between Google Docs and MS Word.

Google Docs vs MS Word

As much as I love Google, MS Word beat Google Docs hands down during my tests. It wasn't even close in terms of accuracy and speed.

[Mac OS (Mojave): Google Chrome v69.0.3497.100 vs. MS Word 2011 (Mac)]

So Why Use Voice Dictation?

  • EAL students

    • Enforces pronunciation

    • Using an English language keyboard can be challenging

  • Slow typers

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries

  • Physical Disabilities/Visual Impairments

To Start Voice Dictation

Google Docs (Tools - Voice Typing)
MS Word (Edit - Start Dictation)

The Reverse is True

You can have the computer read a text for you as well.

On a Mac: System Preferences > Accessibility > Speech. Highlight the text you want to have read to you and then hit Option + ESC.

Photo Source: http://www.everystockphoto.com/photo.php?imageId=2164728&searchId=7a05af9edb26eec36db92c1f536adeb3&npos=2
