Social Media

I have been reading and watching some videos on Social Media in the classroom. Some thoughts on using a technology that has definite pitfalls associated with its' use.

Sample Social Media Sites

It's not just Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat. It's also:

  • Google Hangouts, Classroom, or Docs

  • youtube

  • Photo hosting sites

  • Blogger

  • Wikispaces and wikipedia

  • TED talks

  • Prezi

  • Evernote

  • Diigo

  • Voicethread

  • Todaysmeet

  • Math Champ Challenge

  • Reddit

A Few Media Ideas for the Classroom

  • Photos of student work

  • Study group discussions on Facebook or Google+

  • Debates

  • Simulations

  • Roleplay

  • Student Presentations

  • Writing assignments

  • Back Channelling (a conversation that runs concurrently during a video, movie, lecture, etc.)

    • Good for quiet students

    • Extends conversation

    • Good for those who work at a different pace

    • Use Todaysmeet or Twitter with specific hashtag

  • Peer review of student presentations, acting

  • Lab practicums

  • Assessment (collect information)

Also read:

Benefits of Using Social Media

  1. Small groups promote belonging

  2. Student engagement and collaboration

  3. Learn fact from opinion

  4. Rich eLearning media available

  5. Videos and video conferencing available

    1. Students have control over the play and pause button

    2. Can watch as many times as they need

  6. Develop digital literacy skills

  7. Engagement beyond the classroom

  8. Improved communication between students and between student and teacher

  9. Workforce preparation

Prior Tasks

It's important that students not just float aimlessly on the Net. It's important that prior tasks and expectations are set.

  1. Give students specific learning tasks to complete

  2. Create guidelines for using Social Media

    1. REMEMBER THE HUMAN on the other end

  3. Teach appropriate online behaviour

    1. Disagree respectfully

    2. Debate rather than flame

    3. Respond appropriately to comments that you do not agree with

    4. Report cyberbullying

  4. Teach protecting online identity

    1. Everything is public

    2. Don't post anything you don't want parents, university, or employers to see

    3. Strong passwords

    4. Not all photos represent you well

  5. Be Legitimate

    1. Do your own work

    2. Check spelling and grammar

    3. Support ideas from 3 sites or sources (print or Internet)
